The area of the workforce that women don't want to be part of, such as digging, road construction, garbage dumping, etc. as oppose to glass ceiling jobs such as, being CEO, chairman, congressman, president, and all that good stuff. Due to political correctness, it's harder for men to get most medium paying jobs, so some are stuck under the glass cellar. basically men dominate both extremes of the spectrum.
They put more cracks in the glass ceiling than they did in the glass cellar.
by smashdummies December 24, 2012
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A theory put forth by whiny men afraid their position of societal dominance is at risk because some women might get into positions of power. The theory goes that men may be disproportionately represented in higher positions, but for that they're also disproportionately represented in dirty, dangerous work that women, supposedly, don't want to touch (like mining, construction, fire-fighting, soldiering, etc.).

The theory sounds plausible until you look at it for longer than about five seconds. It then falls apart because:

1. Women have been clamouring for dangerous positions like fire-fighting and soldiering for ages now and it is *men* who have been opposing this on a variety of ridiculous grounds.

2. The "glass cellar" only holds true if you selectively ignore traditionally-female occupations such as prostitution which are easily as destructive and dangerous to the practitioner as are traditionally-male occupations like mining and construction.

The "glass cellar" is, in short, a ridiculous piece of whining by a bunch of insecure man-children.
"I can't get out of the glass cellar because management keeps promoting those damned women who actually work and try to get things done."
by jiadi July 11, 2013
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